Meeting the requirements in data protection management

Which data protection management edition fits your requirements?

To provide you with the solution that optimally fits your company-specific requirements, we offer a choice of three editions as well as functional extensions.

You are looking for a data protection management solution with which you:

  • structure and control a data protection organisation
  • work as a single user

Die otris privacy STANDARD edition ist eine vollwertige Datenschutzmanagement-Software, mit der Sie Ihre gesamte Datenschutzorganisation DSGVO-konform abbilden können. Wir bieten otris privacy STANDARD ausschließlich als SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) zur Miete an.

You are looking for a data protection management solution with which you:

  • structure and control a data protection organisation based on company units and user rights
  • organise distributed working
  • organise the reuse and inheritance of data within the corporate group

The otris privacy ENTERPRISE edition is our data protection management solution for medium-sized businesses and external DPOs. You use the software in your web browser. The system can be run on your company server or in the otris cloud.

You are looking for a data protection management solution with which you:

  • structure and control a data protection organisation based on company units, company processes and user rights
  • control distributed work in a process-bound manner
  • control the reuse and inheritance of data within the group in line with your corporate processes
  • map group-specific reporting formats

The otris privacy ENTERPRISE plus edition is the group-capable, bilingual variant of our data protection management solution. The system can be run on your company server or in the otris cloud.

„otris privacy simplifies our data protection management through central data storage and automation.“

Wolfgang Schröder
Data Protection Officer at JAB JOSEF ANSTOETZ KG

Extension for data protection management

With technical extensions you can adapt otris privacy to your requirements in addition to selecting an edition. The extensions can be combined with the ENTERPRISE and ENTERPRISE plus editions.

INQUIRY WORKFLOW. Enter and process enquiries.

The extension REQUEST WORKFLOW enables incoming requests for data protection, e.g. Article 15 EU-DSGVO, to be automatically recorded in otris privacy and the processing procedure to be documented. Requests can be reported to otris privacy by email or by web form including attachments.

DATA PROTECTION VIOLATION. Employees report internal data protection violations.

With the DATA PROTECTION VIOLATION extension, you implement a process for reporting internal company data protection violations. You provide your employees with an easy-to-understand dialogue with which they can describe and report data protection breaches: Via a web form, the employee specifies the chronology, the categories of data and groups of persons affected, as well as measures already taken. No special knowledge in the area of data protection is necessary to fill out the form. The completed form is sent to the – predefined – responsible office in the company (e.g. internal or external data protection officer). After a new breach notification is received, the system also sends a notification e-mail (recipient can be freely defined during configuration). A report on the process is attached to the e-mail.

E-LEARNING. Develop courses yourself.

The E-LEARNING extension enables the provision and management of learning content in otris privacy in conjunction with optional learning objective checks.

LOGIN-SYNC. Simply authenticate.

The LDAP interface LOGIN-SYNC enables authentication of otris privacy users against your Active Directory. For users, this offers the advantage that they can use the same login data for an otris privacy login that they use to log in to the Windows system. Users that you remove from the Active Directory (e.g. an employee leaves the company) no longer have access to otris privacy immediately after removal.

REPORT/UPDATE WORKFLOW. Report processing operations.

The extension NOTIFICATION/UPDATE WORKFLOW makes it possible to integrate existing processes for the notification of processing activities according to Article 30 EU-DSGVO directly into otris privacy. Via a web form, processing activities are reported to otris privacy, where they can be post-processed, approved or rejected. In contrast to the use of otris privacy itself, no special knowledge in the area of data protection is required for the use of the notification form. The extension NOTIFICATION/UPDATE WORKFLOW includes the standard web form for procedure notification as well as the installation and setup of the extension. Individual adaptations of the workflow can be realised as part of a service.

Rental model for external data protection officers

Are you looking for professional and affordable software for your customers’ data protection management? Our flexible rental model offers you a low investment risk and fixed calculable costs per quarter – and without a commitment period.

Structured software support is essential to professionally fulfil your task as an external data protection officer. The multi-client capability of otris privacy allows you to efficiently manage all your clients. A variety of cross-client templates and samples create valuable synergies, whereby the data of your individual clients are of course strictly separated from each other. To save time and effort, you can involve your clients in the data protection work: Send the integrated checklists by e-mail and then import the answers at the touch of a button.

In addition to the reports required by data protection law, such as the procedure directory, you can also use otris privacy to generate invoices for your services, for example. Our rental model applies to a minimum of five clients, whereby the number of clients can be flexibly adjusted at any time. The cost side remains calculable due to the quarterly billing mode. Our rental model is not subject to a commitment period and can be terminated at any time at the end of a quarter. If you are interested, we would be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer!

Online demo registration

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otris software AG will use all information provided here solely in accordance with the Privacy policy.

Your contact

Sebastian Gockel
+49 231 95806950
[email protected]

Ihr direkter Kontakt für Datenschutzmanagement